Turbo-Charge Your Digital Transformation

30 Jun 2020

“If you can’t alter the way your products and services are delivered, you are dead in the water” – Blake Morgan, Forbes Magazine

No truer words have been spoken at a time like this. Covid-19 has changed every facet of life, and the business world is no exception. With most people confined to their homes, companies have been cut off from both their customers and their employees. Entire production lines have gone silent, and the delivery of goods and services is met with an appropriate amount of fear and caution due to the virus. Your employees can’t physically meet, your customers can’t leave their homes, and your ability to do business is effectively crippled… or is it?

Enter the turbocharged digital transformation. By leveraging upcoming and existing digital technologies, companies can [modify] existing business processes or create entirely new ones from scratch. Such transformations allow companies to engage their customers, organize their employees, and conduct business in entirely new ways.

That being said, it’s more nuanced than simply digitizing paper files or holding online meetings. Instead, it’s finding completely new strategies and processes to do business. To paraphrase Salesforce’s words, it’s not just making the same things faster, but it’s about maximizing the technology’s capabilities. Take Netflix for example. On the surface, it makes it much faster to find new shows and movies to watch, but underneath, it’s taking advantage of machine learning to recommend new content catered based on preferences, anticipating the viewer’s next choice. Ultimately creating a frictionless experience.

COVID-19 is sparing no business, and it’s a time for each and every one of us to innovate and do so fast during the global crisis. Turbocharging your digital transformation can help serve your customers and protect your employees. While it is a daunting task, the opportunities it presents and the benefits it can bring are virtually limitless.

At Third Pillar, we believe it’s paramount we undertake the challenge and help others do so as well. We are now offering our consulting and Implementation services to all customers who qualify for “Salesforce Care: Free Rapid Response Solutions to Help Companies Navigate COVID-19”.

Click here to find out more

Our account team is also available to answer any of your questions and help with anything you need.

For the in-depth list of steps, visit Blake Morgan’s article at https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2020/04/05/is-covid-19-forcing-your-digital-transformation-12-steps-to-move-faster/#796cb2a3617b

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